In The News
HSM Recovers $3.5 million Prozac Verdict in Attempted Suicide Case
U.S. District Court Judge Clay D. Land has ordered the federal government to pay nearly $3.5 million to the mother of a 15-year-old girl who attempted suicide and eventually died after a nurse practitioner in a federally funded clinic improperly prescribed the antidepressant Prozac.
The judge's Nov. 27 decision found in favor of plaintiff Romona L. Floyd, who filed the wrongful death action under the Federal Tort Claims Act as the surviving parent of Jessica Ann Ray. Read more ....
HSM Partner Clay Milling Receives Distinguished Service Award
HSM is proud to announce that its partner Clay Milling was presented with the American Association for Justices Distinguished Service Award at this years AAJ annual convention in Vancouver, Canada. The Distinguished Service Award is presented to individuals who have gone above and beyond their commitment to the principles of the civil justice system and the mission of the American Associated for Justice. Over the last decade, Clay has been active in AAJ serving on its political action committee, membership committee, key persons committee, and now as a State Delegate to the organization from the State of Georgia. HSM is proud of Clay’s efforts fighting on behalf of the civil justice system and the firm is very pleased that Clay was recognized for his efforts with this national award.
Phil Henry Recognized As A Top Ten Lawyer For The Entire State of Georgia For The Third Year In A Row
Henry Spiegel Milling is proud to announce that Phil Henry has been voted the second most recommended lawyer in the entire State of Georgia for the second year in a row! The votes were tallied by Atlanta’s Law & Politics Magazine, which conducts the survey of Georgia’s top lawyers each year. Phil has now been voted as one of the "top ten" lawyers in the State of Georgia for the last three years, and he has been ranked number two the last two years. This achievement is yet another milestone in Phil’s distinguished career and makes absolutely clear that other attorneys throughout the State of Georgia regard Phil as simply "the best of the best."
For potential clients seeking the best attorney, the significance of this achievement cannot be understated. Other lawyers believe that Phil is one of the best in Georgia and therefore one of the best in the country. It is hard to say more than that.
Phil has previously been inducted into the American College of Trial Lawyers, which is the most prestigious organization for trial attorneys, limited to the top one percent of attorneys from any state. Phil’s efforts and results for his clients are simply unparalleled in the area of personal injury, and Henry Spiegel Milling is extraordinarily proud of all Phil has achieved in his career.
The Law & Politics survey also identified what it terms "Super Lawyers" throughout the State of Georgia, and HSM is once again pleased to announce that all three partners, Phil Henry, Harvey Spiegel and Clay Milling, were selected as "Super Lawyers."
HSM Client Recoveries Top 250 Million Dollars
Henry Spiegel Milling is proud that it has recovered over $250 million for its clients since the year 2000. This is an extraordinary milestone, which we hope sends a strong message to potential clients. Personal injury victims are in a confused and worried state of mind, and they need to make sure that the lawyers they hire are truly experienced, and can provide the best representation and achieve the greatest result for them. Henry Spiegel Milling has over 100 years of experience handling personal injury cases for seriously injured people and results of this magnitude speak for themselves. Please refer to the Verdicts and Settlements page to view a representative sampling of the jury verdicts and settlements we have obtained for other clients.
Henry Spiegel Milling Holiday Habitat For Humanity Build
On Dec. 5, Henry Spiegel Milling completed the building of its second annual Holiday Habitat for Humanity house. The house was presented to first time homebuyer Sonteria Williams during a ceremony following the final days work.
Over 35 volunteers, including many members of the bar, came to help Henry Spiegel Milling finish the worthy project.
Henry Spiegel Milling’s Holiday Habitat Build is a new tradition for the Buckhead based personal injury firm. In 2008, after years of hosting a lavish black tie holiday party, the firm decided it was time for a change of direction. "Although the party was a lot of fun, and a great tradition in and of itself, sponsoring these houses and seeing the joy on the homeowner’s faces as they prepare to move in around the holidays feels really good to us right now", said partner Phil Henry.
The homebuyer, Sonteria Williams, has three young girls (Taniya, 6, and twins Shamyah and Shakyah Williams, 3) and grew up in the community where her new home is located. Ms. Williams works for the Fulton County Department of Health and Wellness, and her supervisor says she is beloved by staff and patients. Growing up, Sonteria’s family moved from home to home, and she wants a house of her own so that her girls can have stability she did not have as a child. Being an Atlanta Habitat homeowner means the Williams girls will have their own yard to play in; a safe and stable home environment; and an affordable place to live.
Henry Spiegel Milling is honored and humbled to have helped such a deserving family this Holiday season and would like to thank all the volunteers who joined us this weekend.
HSM Case Featured In New York Times
A significant HSM automobile accident case was featured in a front page article in The New York Times on December 22, 2009, entitled “Work Zones, Danger Zones.” The article, written by veteran New York Times author, Mike McIntire, discussed the potential danger to motorists while traveling through construction zones due to the lack of clear safety guidelines and standards governing those zones. Mr. McIntire worked on the article for over eight months, and spent a considerable amount of time consulting with HSM partner, Clay Milling, regarding construction zones and the regulations involved. Mr. McIntire reached out to Mr. Milling for assistance with the article after The New York Times became aware of a significant case HSM litigated for two young boys who were rendered paraplegic after a wreck that occurred in a construction zone on Interstate 75 near Macon, Georgia.
“I think Mike’s article is right on point, and is a message that everyone needs to understand. Construction zones are inherently unsafe, and because they are not regulated with any real degree of structure, motorists can easily become confused while traveling through them, which lead to more wrecks and more severe wrecks,” said Milling. “The simple fact is that automobile and trucking accidents that occur in construction zones present completely different legal issues than standard automobile wreck cases, and it is absolutely vital that the construction companies be held fully accountable if the construction zone was not set up appropriately and the set-up contributed to the wreck.”
HSM is proud of its knowledge of construction and work zone safety issues, and very proud of the fact that The New York Times relied on the firm’s expertise to assist it with the publishing of such a significant and important article. The entire article can be found here.