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HSM Receives Two Jury Verdicts in Four Days

January 31, 2009 through February 3, 2009 was impressive days for the lawyers and clients of Henry Spiegel Milling.  In that four day span, the firm received two jury verdicts in separate trials totaling over five million dollars for the firm’s clients.  On Saturday January 31, 2009, a Fulton County jury returned a verdict of just over $1,430,000 in the case of Daly v. Duncan.  The Daly case was tried by attorneys Harvey Spiegel and Clay Milling and involved the death of Myrna Daly following elective hernia surgery.  The case centered on the role of surgeons in assuring safe pre-operative and post-operative care in this setting. 

Four days later, on February 3, 2009, a Chattooga County jury returned a verdict of over $3,740,000 in the case of Martin v. Johnson.  The Martin case involved the death of two individuals in an automobile collision and was tried by attorneys Phil Henry and Marla Eastwood.  The Martin verdict is a record verdict for Chattooga County, Georgia.

These two jury verdicts illustrate the high level of Henry Spiegel Milling’s legal practice and the commitment the firm makes to its clients.  These verdicts continue the long tradition of the firm achieving excellent results for its deserving clients.  A representative sampling of the firm’s results can be found under Verdicts and Settlements.

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