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Henry Spiegel Milling attorneys are regularly asked to teach other lawyers about how to effectively handle serious personal injury and wrongful death cases, and how to achieve the best results possible for clients. This is another example of what makes Henry Spiegel Milling different and superior to the vast majority of personal injury attorneys, and is something potential clients should consider when selecting an attorney for a serious case. The following are representative presentations and lectures that Henry Spiegel Milling attorneys have given to other lawyers.

Case Selection: Evaluating the Records to Determine Which Cases to Reject or Take

As with any case, an attorney’s decision to accept or reject a stroke case must necessarily depend upon the specifics of the particular case under consideration. However, in considering a specific case, it is important to think about the big picture within which that one case will be viewed.

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Creative Demonstrative Evidence: “Adding the Midas Touch”

We all know that the use of demonstrative evidence can be crucial to the jury’s ability to understand complex issues at trial. There may be no area of litigation where demonstrative evidence is more important than in cases involving brain injuries.

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How to Prepare for and Present a Claim Against State and Local Governmental Entities

Perhaps the most crucial element of preparing a case against a governmental entity is identifying the claim early. Any claim against a governmental entity carries with it certain notice requirements that make it essential to investigate and articulate a claim at the earliest possible time. Thus, when reviewing what appears to be a straightforward wreck case, it is critically important to consider all possible causation theories to rule in or rule out involvement of a governmental entity.

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How Tort Reform Is Likely to Change Trial Practice:  Apportionment of Damages

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Jury Challenges for Cause and Preserving the Record

In this paper I have attempted to summarize many of the important legal principles that govern voir dire, and strikes for cause generally. It is my hope that you will be able to use this material in a practical manner during your next trial to obtain the fairest possible jury for your client.

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