Henry Spiegel Milling attorneys are regularly asked to teach other lawyers about how to effectively handle serious personal injury and wrongful death cases, and how to achieve the best results possible for clients. This is another example of what makes Henry Spiegel Milling different and superior to the vast majority of personal injury attorneys, and is something potential clients should consider when selecting an attorney for a serious case. The following are representative presentations and lectures that Henry Spiegel Milling attorneys have given to other lawyers.
Maximizing Damages In Medical Malpractice Cases
In many respects, the development and proof of damages in medical malpractice cases is no different than the development and proof of damages in any other type of tort suit. On the other hand, medical malpractice cases often involve special obstacles and difficulties for identifying your client’s injuries and establishing that those injuries were due to the negligence of the defendant.
Medical Malpractice Litigation: Plaintiff’s Perspective
This paper will provide an overview of the plaintiff’s perspective on several issues that arise in medical malpractice litigation. It will begin by discussing our selection process for medical malpractice cases and some of the reasoning behind our choice of defendants and expert witnesses for different stages of litigation. The paper will then address discovery issues involving the medical records and a summary of our general goals and obligations in pursuing a settlement. The paper will also highlight some of the ways in which the tort reform legislation passed in 2005 has changed our approach to some of these issues.
Medical Malpractice Statues Of Limitation And Repose
There are two separate statutes that may operate to time bar a medical malpractice action. First, the statute of limitation in O.C.G.A. § 9-3-71(a) bars actions filed more than two years after the date of an injury or death. Second, the statute of repose in O.C.G.A. § 9-3-71(b) provides that a physician cannot be sued for a negligent act or omission that occurred more than five years prior to the date of filing ... This paper will examine the requirements of both statutes and their application to malpractice cases.
Opening Statement
An effective opening statement is an essential component of every trial. What makes an opening statement effective? I would not be so presumptuous to suggest that I know THE answer to that question. This paper contains some suggestions, techniques and ideas for your consideration in preparing an effective opening.
Recent Developments In Pharmaceutical Product Liability Litigation
Product liability lawsuits have traditionally been viewed as a means of indirectly regulating manufacturers, including companies that manufacture and sell prescription medicines. Now that some of these companies have been found neglecting the health and welfare of patients, the drug industry is desperate for federal statutes that would protect their world-wide trillion dollar business without having to change their business habits.