Our Firm

Aviation Litigation

Airplane crash litigation is anther form of product liability or negligence case.  If an airplane goes down, something went wrong.  The only question is: "what went wrong - a component part of the airplane, the pilot's skills or air traffic control?"

Investigation of an airplane crash case requires a working knowledge of the aviation industry, including hands-on flying experience.  Henry Spiegel Milling partner Clay Milling is an instrument rated pilot with close to 1000 hours of flight time.  As such, he has a keen understanding of airplane systems and aerodynamics, which gives him an edge over many attorneys in this area of the law.  This also allows the firm to travel to meet with you regardless of your physical location.

In addition, the investigation of an airplane crash case involves working with experience aircraft experts from across the country and interfacing with the NTSB as well.

There are many "strange practices" that occur in the area of airplane crash litigation, including "solicitation" by attorneys and "lowball" settlement officers by insurance companies.  If you or a loved one have been involved in an airplane crash, be very careful with whom you deal.  Protect yourself from those who may be trying to take advantage of you.  Contact us for a consultation about your case.  We guarantee to provide you with candid counsel about your situation and what we can do for you.

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