Dangerous Drugs
Product liability cases in the pharmaceutical context concern dangerous drugs, and the harm that these dangerous drugs often cause unknowing individuals. In essence, a case of this nature is designed to prove that the drug in question was defective at the time it was placed into the stream of commerce by the manufacturer.
Pharmaceutical and dangerous drug cases are extremely complex and require an attorney with a true understanding of the pharmaceutical industry, the separate divisions within pharmaceutical companies, and the interrelationship between pharmaceutical companies and the Food and Drug Administration ("FDA").
Many people who call our firm have heard that there maybe a "class action" involving a dangerous drug that they took. We are not generally "class action attorneys." Rather, we represent individuals who have been seriously injured by a drug, and we take on the drug company one-on-one. It is our experience that a client will end up far better off if he or she sues the company individually, as opposed to being "lumped in" with other cases in a class action, many of which are not serious cases.
Case example: We represented a young lady from South Georgia in a case against the manufacturers of the weight loss drugs "Fen-Phen." Although the client had only taken the drugs for a short period of time, the client had developed a serious medical condition called primary pulmonary hypertension ("PPH"). As opposed to lumping this client's case in with other cases, we sued the manufacturers individually and were able to obtain a confidential multi-million dollar settlement for the client.
In recent years, there has been litigation involving many dangerous drugs, including: Accutane, Baycol, Bextra, Crestor, Celebrex, Fen-Phen, Prempro & Premarin, Rezulin, Serzone, Vioxx, Zyprexa, to name a few.
If you have been seriously injured by a dangerous drug, contact us to discuss your individual situation.