Our Firm

Negligent Security

Criminal assaults take place in numerous locations - apartment complexes, hotels, shopping centers, etc. The victims of these assaults are often left with serious physical and/or psychological injuries. Sadly for the victims, many of these crimes may have been prevented with simple, reasonable measures to protect safety: better lighting, more restrictive access to property, more thorough employee background checks, and prompt distribution of accurate information about prior criminal incidents.

The law does not hold property owners or retail operators responsible for every criminal attack that occurs on their property. In fact, the law in this area can be unclear and is usually determined by the specific facts of the case, including the type of crime committed, the exact nature of any prior crimes, the details of any security measures present on the property, and any relevant conduct of the crime victim. The knowledge and experience of the victim's law firm is a critical factor in determining whether such a case will be properly investigated and successfully resolved.

At Henry Spiegel Milling, we pride ourselves on our extensive and unparalleled experience assisting individuals with physical and psychological injuries. We aggressively seek to hold negligent property owners liable for criminal assaults, and we have obtained excellent results for numerous crime victims. We have the resources, knowledge and experience to obtain justice. If you or someone you care about has been the victim of this type of crime, please contact us to see whether we can help.  

Reach out to our attorneys at law in Atlanta from Henry Spiegel Milling at 1-866-959-3877 or use our email form and contact us today!

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