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Personal Injury Law

Atlanta Personal Injury Law

Atlanta injury law follows the personal injury statutes of the State of Georgia. When you have been injured due to someone else's carelessness, the attorneys at Henry Milling Spiegel LLP help you get a basic understanding of Atlanta injury law and the adjacent communities.

Comparative Negligence in Atlanta Personal Injury Laws

Atlanta, like all of Georgia, uses comparative negligence law in determining fault after an accident. If you were party to blame for the accident which caused your injuries, but less than 50 percent at fault, you may still have a valid personal injury claim. Your damage award will be calculated on the basis of your comparative fault in accordance with Atlanta personal injury laws.

Damages Allowed by Atlanta Personal Injury Laws

In Atlanta and throughout Georgia, specific damages are allowable in personal injury claims, including—

  • Medical expenses
  • Time lost from work
  • Property damage
  • Cost of household help
  • Permanent disfigurement or disability
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of future earnings

Although not all of these damages may be awarded in every personal injury suit, each one may be considered an option according to Atlanta personal injury law.

Statute of Limitations on Personal Injury Law in Atlanta

In Atlanta or any other Georgia municipality, the statute of limitations on a personal injury lawsuit is two years. This means that from the time of your accident, you have two years to bring a personal injury lawsuit against the person who was responsible for you injuries. If your lawsuit is for loss of consortium, the limitation may be extended to four years based on Atlanta personal injury laws.

Learn More About Personal Injury Laws in Atlanta

Call our attorneys from Henry Spiegel Milling for assistance with your personal injury laws in Atlanta at 866-959-3877 or use our email form and contact us today for a free consultation. An attorney experienced in personal injury laws in Atlanta looks forward to speaking with you about your case.

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