Our Firm

Our Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers

Atlanta Injury Lawyers

At Henry Spiegel Milling LLP, our Atlanta personal injury lawyers handle all types of personal injury and wrongful death claims. Our personal injury lawyers in Atlanta focus our practice on medical malpractice and automobile accident injuries. Our five Atlanta personal injury lawyers have over 100 years of combined practice experience.

Philip C. Henry

Phil has been practicing personal injury law for over 30 years. He is our lead partner, and he is highly respected by other personal injury lawyers in Atlanta.

Harvey R. Spiegel

Harvey has also spent the past 30 years practicing law. The focus of his legal work is the representation of individuals injured by medical malpractice or defective products. Harvey is well regarded by Georgia injury lawyers.

R. Clay Milling

Clay has been practicing law in Atlanta for nearly 20 years. Upon joining the other Atlanta personal injury lawyers at our firm, Clay focused his legal practice on catastrophic injury and wrongful death cases.

Marla M. Eastwood

Marla has been practicing law in Atlanta since 1993. We are pleased to benefit from her experience in personal injury and medical malpractice litigation.

Wendy G. Huray

Wendy has been an Atlanta lawyer since 1995. She joined our firm in 2000 to focus on representing individuals in personal injury claims.

Experienced Atlanta Injury Lawyers

Our Atlanta injury lawyers from Henry Spiegel Milling have serious experience are needed by people in the Georgia area. Our personal injury lawyers in Atlanta at Henry Spiegel Milling LLP have the experience you need for your lawsuit. 

Call our personal injury lawyers in Atlanta from Henry Spiegel Milling at 866-959-3877 or use our email form and contact us today for a free consultation today!

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