Our Firm

Trucking Accidents

Tractor-trailer collisions often result in catastrophic injuries or death. Many lawyers make the mistake of treating these cases just like any other automobile collision case, which is a costly mistake.

It is only through a thorough knowledge of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Act, State Public Service Commission regulations and other industry regulations, as well as a methodical investigation of all of the facts and documents that motor carriers are required to maintain, that all areas of liability can be exposed. We have extensive experience in these areas of liability and when appropriate, can couple this experience with some of the best accident reconstruction and trucking experts in the country in order to maximize the liability picture.

Over the years, we have successfully handled trucking accident cases involving a variety of issues for our clients.  Examples include trucking accident cases involving driver fatigue, falsified logbooks, under ride, driver perception, driver error, equipment failure, and violations of other state and federal laws.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a trucking accident, it is critical that you hire a law firm that is very familiar with the trucking industry and all of the regulations that govern the trucking industry.  As an example, most lawyers are not aware that the federal regulations governing trucking companies only require trucking companies to maintain certain documents for a short period of time.  As a result, if you hire a lawyer that is not intimately familiar with this law, the trucking company may destroy many of its key documents relating to your trucking accident before you have an opportunity to obtain them and review.

At Henry Spiegel Milling, we know how to handle trucking accident cases and we would be happy to discuss your situation with you.  We will analyze the case both by looking at the physical evidence on the roadway (such as skid marks or gouge marks), as well as by examining the trucking companies internal operating procedures - did the company go through the required pre-employment screening of its drivers?  Does the truck driver meet the required minimum qualifications? What does the driver's qualification file (maintained by the company) reveal about the driver?  What do the drivers' logs reveal about the driver's activities before the particular wreck?

By thoroughly investigating trucking accidents in this manner, we are able to apply significant pressure to truck companies and obtain maximum results for our clients.  Please contact us for a free consultation regarding your truck accident.

Reach out to a trucking accident lawyer in Atlanta from Henry Spiegel Milling at 1-866-959-3877 or use our email form and contact us today!

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