HSM Wins Significant Case In Georgia Supreme Court
The Georgia Supreme Court recently issued an opinion in the case Schramm v. Lyon, which resulted in a victory for Henry Spiegel Milling LLP client Betty Lyon. Betty is a quadruple amputee whose story began in 1982 when she had her spleen removed following an automobile accident. Over the years, it was alleged that Betty’s physicians failed to appropriately treat her condition, and advise her that even minor medical issues could result in a massive infection due to the loss of her spleen. Horribly, in September of 2004, Betty developed a massive infection, which ultimately resulted in the amputation of portions of all of her limbs.
The trial court initially threw the case out, finding that Betty’s claims were not timely filed. Henry Spiegel Milling LLP pursued the case all the way up to the Supreme Court, which overturned the lower court and ruled in favor of Betty. The case has been settled confidentially.