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HSM Partner Phil Henry to Speak on Road Construction Wrecks at Upcoming Conference – November 2009

Henry Spiegel Milling LLP partner Phil Henry has been asked to speak at the annual Holiday Conference of Georgia Trial Lawyers Association, which will be held in December 2009. At the conference, Phil will be speaking on safety issues that are particular to areas of road construction on county roads and interstate highway. This is an area of the law that is unfamiliar to many lawyers, but is intricately familiar to the partners of Henry Spiegel Milling LLP. At the conference, Phil will be explaining to lawyers from across the State of Georgia the legal issues that come up when a wreck occurs in a construction zone, including: supervision over the construction zone, compliance with federal and state safety regulations regarding the construction zone, qualifications of safety enforcement personnel at the construction zone, and required signage in construction zones to assist drivers in safely passing through the construction zone. Henry Spiegel Milling LLP's extensive experience and knowledge with road construction issues and is pleased that Phil has been asked to help other lawyers learn a little bit about this unique and serious area of the law.

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