Henry Spiegel Milling attorneys are regularly asked to teach other lawyers about how to effectively handle serious personal injury and wrongful death cases, and how to achieve the best results possible for clients. This is another example of what makes Henry Spiegel Milling different and superior to the vast majority of personal injury attorneys, and is something potential clients should consider when selecting an attorney for a serious case. The following are representative presentations and lectures that Henry Spiegel Milling attorneys have given to other lawyers.
The Art of Effective Cross-Examination for Every Type of Witness
The purpose of cross-examination is to provide for a test of the intelligence, memory, accuracy, and veracity of the witness. An effective examination requires a combination of thorough preparation, identified goals, and a skillful examiner. A successful cross-examination of a defense witness can provide a trial lawyer with the highest of highs. Similarly, an unsuccessful cross-examination will deliver the lowest of lows. As the title suggests, effective cross-examination is truly an art, but this paper will provide some suggestions to help you more fully develop your skills.
Tips for Handling Brain and Spine Injury Cases for the Plaintiff’s Lawyer
This seminar includes presentations by several excellent experts on the medical topics of brain and spine injuries in general, spine surgery, the use of MRI and CT imaging, and life care planning, so this paper will focus on more practical tips for handling brain and spine injury cases. I would note that the medical presentations are critically important because it is impossible to competently represent a client with a brain or spinal cord injury without a thorough understanding of the medicine, including the consequences and potential complications of these catastrophic physical and emotional injuries, as well as the effective use of expert witnesses from treating physicians to therapists to life care planners.
Trial Strategies from the Plaintiff’s Perspective
This paper will attempt to highlight some of the changes we have made in our approach to jury trials. While the information contained in this paper is certainly not scientific, I hope it will, at a minimum, cause you to at least think about your current approach to trial -- and whether or not you need to implement any changes yourself given this “new environment” we find ourselves in.
What’s the Difference Between Informed Consent, Failure to Warn, and Fiduciary Duty?
The duty to obtain informed consent, the duty to warn, and fiduciary duty all relate to a physician's duty to provide patients with necessary and accurate information during all phases of a physician-patient relationship. The duty to obtain informed consent arises prior to undertaking a diagnostic or treatment procedure.
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