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Georgia Car Accident Statistics

Atlanta car accident lawyers discuss car accident statistics

According to the Georgia Department of Transportation Crash Analysis, Statistics & Information (CASI) Notebook, from 2000 to 2006 over six million people were involved in motor vehicle crashes in Georgia. On average, that means 2,394 people per day had an accident. In addition, an average of 116 people were seriously injured and 31 killed each week.

In Atlanta alone, there were 151,193 car crashes in 2006 resulting in 49,939 injuries and 398 fatalities. Congestion in the city coupled with the high number of vehicles increases the risk of crashes. In addition, congestion can interfere with accident victims receiving prompt medical care.

CASI statistics also show that the majority of crashes occur on non-interstate roads. The reasons given for why these roads pose a higher risk of injury or death include the fact that non-interstate roads are often not as well-engineered as interstate roads. Two-way roads that lack a barrier or physical separation account for 73 percent of all fatal crashes in Georgia.

A dangerous roadway

Couple a dangerous road like I-285 with high speed and the likelihood of an accident goes up. Speeding is a factor in one out of six fatal crashes in Georgia. People involved in speeding-related crashes have three times the chance of injury compared to crashes where speeding was not a factor. Sadly, in 2006, there were 78 fatal crashes related to speeding in Atlanta.

Our knowledgeable Atlanta car accident lawyers can help

The lawyers of Henry Spiegel Milling LLP are very familiar with local road hazards and the car crashes they cause. We recovered over $250 million in verdicts and settlements for our clients, and can investigate and handle all types of Georgia auto accidents. We can put our extensive experience to work for you.

Contact the Georgia auto accident attorneys at Henry Spiegel Milling LLP today

At Henry Spiegel Milling LLP, our dedicated team of car accident lawyers have proven results in car accident cases in Atlanta,  throughout Georgia, and nationwide. Call us at 866-959-3877 to speak with an experienced Atlanta car accident attorney, or use our email form and contact us today for a free consultation. We can help.

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