An Atlanta Injury Lawyer Explains the Difference Between Accident Litigation and Settlement
After your accident, you will have a number of questions, such as, what is the process to recover compensation for your injuries and what are settlement and litigation? Your case can involve both. For you to be in the best position possible to recover maximum compensation, you are wise to have a seasoned Atlanta injury lawyer represent you during settlement and litigation.
Settlement is common in personal injury cases. A settlement is an agreement between the parties that concludes their dispute for a set amount of compensation. Settlements can occur at any time before or during litigation. A skilled injury attorney knows when to advise a client to take a settlement offer, and knows how to fight for the maximum compensation a client deserves. Negotiation of a settlement by your injury lawyer in Atlanta can take many months. The advantage of taking a settlement is that it avoids what can be a lengthy trial, and can give a client a fair amount without putting the case in the hands of a jury.
Litigation refers to the general process of bringing a legal action, which is sometimes necessary when settlement efforts are unsuccessful. While it applies to courtroom procedure, it also consists of a number of pre-trial steps and procedures. Besides filing a complaint and answer, pre-trial proceedings can include discovery, during which a court reporter records statements of the parties under oath. These statements are called depositions. In a deposition, opposing counsel question the parties and the recorded statements may be used at trial. If the parties do not settle after taking depositions or at some point during pre-trial proceedings, their injury lawyers can eventually take the case to trial. Damages awarded after a trial can be far greater than the amount agreed upon in a settlement.
Our injury lawyers know how to fight for you
The lawyers at Henry Spiegel Milling LLP have extensive experience with negotiating, settling, and trying Atlanta injury cases. Our lawyers recovered over $250 million in verdicts and settlements for our clients. You only have a limited amount of time to file your personal injury case, so call to speak to a lawyer at Henry Spiegel Milling at 866-959-3877 or use our email form and contact us today for a free consultation.