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Causes of Georgia Personal Injury

In Georgia, anyone who engages in negligent or reckless actions that cause harm to someone else can be held legally responsible. In fact, negligence is the determining factor in almost all personal injury cases. Such negligence includes the following:

  • Auto accident injuries. Motor vehicle accidents continue to be a common cause of personal injury. Injuries sustained in an automobile accident can range from minor—such as bumps and bruises—to severe—such as permanent paralysis or brain injury. Negligent acts are often what cause auto accident fatalities and injuries. In 2009 alone, the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) of the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) recorded more than 1,700 drivers involved in fatal traffic crashes in the state of Georgia. In more than 62 percent of those cases, negligence played a role.  The leading causes of fatal accidents were drivers failing to stay in their lanes (39.5 percent), driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (12.2 percent), and failing to yield right of way (7.7 percent).
  • Medical malpractice. When medical professionals fail to provide an adequate level of care, undue injury or illness is often the result. Doctors, nurses, or other healthcare providers are negligent when they misdiagnose or fail to diagnose, commit avoidable errors in surgery, improperly prescribe or administer medication, or fail to responsibly monitor the status or recovery of a patient. Physician negligence can lead to birth defects, infections, unnecessary surgeries, dangerous drug interactions, or even death. According to the United States Department of Justice, about 15 percent of personal injury cases each year involve medical malpractice.
  • Premises liability. Slip-and-fall accidents occur due to the unsafe conditions of a public property. These might involve unmarked steps or changes in floor level, unsafe doors, windows or furniture, nonworking elevators, or even sharp edges. In such cases, the property owner or the party who maintains the property can be held responsible for injuries that occur on the premises.

Henry Spiegel Milling Provides Quality Personal Injury Representation to Clients Throughout Georgia

Personal injuries can diminish the quality of your life. If you were hurt and need more information about seeking fair compensation for personal injuries in Atlanta, Decatur, DeKalb County, Stone Mountain, or in any part of Georgia, contact the law firm of Henry Spiegel Milling LLC today to speak with one of our qualified attorneys. Our Georgia personal injury lawyers regularly represent clients suffering from negligence-related injuries.

We have recovered millions of dollars for our clients in personal injury cases. If you want a high level law firm to assist you in your Georgia personal injury case, call Henry Spiegel Milling at 866-959-3877 or use our email form and contact us today for a free consultation.

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