Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer With Trial Experience
An experienced trial lawyer knows how to negotiate with insurance companies for a settlement, and know when they need to take a case to court to obtain the fair compensation you deserve. Insurance companies are businesses operated to make a profit. They have a cadre of lawyers to help them. To level the playing field, you need a personal injury lawyer with extensive experience in handling injury cases, including trying them.
Your best bet is to find Atlanta lawyers who practice personal injury on a daily basis. Experienced trial lawyers know how to negotiate with insurance companies for a settlement, and know when they need to take a case to court to obtain the fair compensation you deserve. They are not afraid to go to trial, a fact that makes them formidable opponents.
Personal injury attorneys who handle and try injury cases on a daily basis understand the detailed and precise preparation needed to be successful in your case. Simply put, experience matters. The right Atlanta personal injury lawyer can make a difference in the amount that you collect.
Valuing your case
An experienced personal injury attorney has the knowledge and acumen needed to evaluate the particular facts and circumstances of your injury case. They know when settlement is advisable. Your attorney must assess whether or not it is wise to bring a lawsuit. Trial lawyers with personal injury experience know how to make these assessments. They take careful stock of the potential value of your claim. The damages that you can recover include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Medical expenses, including the cost of long-term care
- Property damage
- Lost current and future earnings
- Pain and suffering including anxiety and other emotional distress
Steps to recovery of damages
The steps in a personal injury lawsuit generally are as follows:
Filing of a complaint: The complaint names the parties and the reason for the suit
Answer: The defendant makes a written response to the claim and raises a defense
Deposition: Both parties may be questioned under oath in what is called a deposition. A court reporter records the deposition and it may be used at trial
Settlement or trial: At any time during the process, your attorney can attempt to settle your case. If settlement is not possible, your case goes to trial. Most personal injury cases settle before trial
Our personal injury lawyers in Atlanta are ready to assist you
The lawyers at Henry Spiegel Milling LLP have extensive experience with negotiating, settling, and trying Atlanta personal injury cases. Call to speak to a lawyer at Henry Spiegel Milling at 866-959-3877 or use our email form and contact us today for a free consultation.