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Tylenol Liver Failure Information

The Most Experienced Tylenol Liver Failure Team in the Country

Below are a number of pages designed to help inform you of different topics related to Tylenol and acetaminophen overdoses.  Our law firm has unmatched knowledge, experience, and results when it comes to the causes, effects, and ability to secure compensation for acetaminophen injury or death.

What the Industry and FDA Knew About Tylenol and Liver Damage
Acetaminophen Liver Failure Symptom, Diagnosis and Prognosis
Common Drugs that Contain Acetaminophen
Paracetamol, Acetaminophen, Tylenol Glossary and Important Terminology
How Tylenol Liver Failure Happens – The Science
Why Hire Henry Spiegel Milling, LLP for Your Acetaminophen Case

Tylenol is the most popular pain killer in America, with literally billions of the tablets or capsules sold each year.  Acetaminophen is the generic name for Tylenol, and is found in well over 200 medications.  Although the vast majority of consumers perceive Tylenol and acetaminophen to be “safe”, acetaminophen-related liver injuries result in over 56,000 emergency room visits each year, 26,000 hospitalizations each year, and over 450 deaths.  Acetaminophen is the number one cause of “acute” liver failure in the United States.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of an acetaminophen injury or death caused by Tylenol or another drug, call 1-866-959-3877 or email our office today.  We will immediately file a law suit to hold those that caused your tragedy accountable.


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