Common Terms Associated with Acetaminophen Overdose
Acute Liver Failure: A medical term used to describe the sudden failure of the liver.
Acetaminophen: An ingredient found in common over-the-counter and prescription medications such as pain relievers and fever reducers.
Paracetamol: The international non-proprietary name for acetaminophen.
FDA: Food & Drug Administration, which is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services that is responsible for promoting the public health through the regulation and supervision of medication.
Acetylcysteine or NAC: An antidote commonly used to treat acetaminophen overdose.
Toxin: A poisonous substance.
Overdose: Taking too much medication or drugs, either accidentally or intentionally.
Fasting: Eating very little or no food.
Tylenol: A common pain reliever and arguably the most widely recognize drug containing acetaminophen.
Pharmaceutical Product Liability: A term used to describe the area of law dealing with cases involving injury or death caused by dangerous drugs
* Our acetaminophen team consists of the law firms Henry Spiegel Milling LLP and Toliver & Gainer, LLP